News in Brief – October 2020

Featured News
Anti-vaxxers and Other Sceptics
Upcoming Events
5 November 2020: Stapledon. Katherine Furman on Affective Distrust in Science.
13 November 2020: Philosophy of the Senses: Seeing. Free Online Workshop at the University of Liverpool. 2 pm to 4.30 pm.
17 November 2020: Register soon to join Yiota Vassilopoulou at the LSE Forum (online) to discuss Mary Midgley and Why She Matters.
19 November 2020: Stapledon. Sacha Golob on Anti-Liberalism and the Rhetoric of Decline.
20 November 2020: Join Katherine Furman on a Philosophy of Science Association webinar panel, Putting Covid in Its Place.
Other News
Robin McKenna presented work on intellectual autonomy to the Oxford Epistemology Group at 4pm this afternoon ( It's part of some new work in ideal and non-ideal theory in epistemology.
Vid Simoniti was talking about bioethics & bio-art in a documentary for Slovenian TV. No English subtitles, but well worth learning Slovenian for.
BSHP launched the History of Philosophy Books in Three Minutes' (HPBin3) platform for students & researchers. Authors explain what their book is about & why it is important - in 3 minute videos. Includes contributions from Rachael Wiseman and Siobhan Chapman.