Phil Soc Dissertation Anthology, edited by Alice Goodwin

Our 2019/2020 Dissertation Students had planned a fabulous Philosophy Showcase but then Covid-19 arrived and it was not possible to host the event. Instead, they created a Dissertation Anthology as a testament to the effort, curiosity and philosophical creativity that went into their dissertations. The work is all the more impressive when we remember that it was completed during a pandemic. Module convenor, Dr Rachael Wiseman, writes: "This collection shows future students that if you plan carefully, spread your research and writing over both semesters, and keep regular contact with your supervisor, you will be left with a piece of work you will be proud of long after your studies are over."
The Collection was funded by PhilSoc and edited by Alice Goodwin. Here, Alice explains more:
"This Dissertation Anthology is a celebration of our achievements, and a guide for future dissertation students. Above all else, this collection will be a permanent reminder for the Philosophy students of 2019-20 that their hard work has been acknowledged, and that their diligence should be celebrated not just by other students, but by themselves. PhilSoc kindly paid for the printing of this book, as a show of their heartfelt support and of how impressed they are with our accomplishments, especially considering the Covid-19 pandemic we all had to work through. I chose to put together this Anthology with the help of Dr Rachael Wiseman because I am proud of what we have achieved.
To all the students who contributed:
You have all done something amazing and it has been a joy to work so closely with all of you to make this Anthology a reality.
Thank you for sharing your work with me.
Thank you for carrying on even when times got tough.
Thank you for putting up with my endless messages.
Thank you.
To the future students:
As a final compassionate act, each student who has been included in this Dissertation Anthology, has offered a few words of advice to future dissertation students. Every student has a completely individual writing process, and so these comments are not meant to replace the formal advice and information provided by the module. Rather, they are a realistic look into what planning, creating, and writing a Philosophy dissertation is like.
Every student who has been included in this Anthology started from the same position as you may be in now: a blank page. Writing a dissertation is a lot of work, but if this Anthology proves anything, it is that you can do it too.
Good luck!"
You can read the Anthology online here, or by accessing the print copy in the University Library.