News in Brief – May 2020!

Featured Teaching
Find out more about our two MA Programmes: MA Philosophy and MA Arts, Aesthetics and Cultural Institutions.
Featured Research
PhD researcher Jack Symes will edit a new series of philosophy books, Talking about Philosophy for Bloomsbury.
We celebrated Richard Gaskin’s 60th Birthday!
Katherine Furman’s work was included in the British Philosophical Association’s brilliant repository of philosophical writing on COVID-19.
Final year student Emily Eldridge has received a scholarship to do a masters in Business Management at Henley Business School next year.
Rachel Handley and Sara Uckleman (Durham) were awarded a grant from Mind for their conference on Science-Fiction/Speculative Fiction and Philosophy. Watch this space for more information.
Amy Ward, from Mount Allison University, Canada, has joined Rachael Wiseman’s ‘Women in Parenthesis’ project as a summer intern. Amy will be writing a blog over the summer. First instalment is here.
Dr Xiaoyan Hu passed her PhD with her thesis: ‘The Art of Genius: The Notion of Qiyun (Spirit Consonance) in Chinese Painting and Some Kantian Resonances’.
Dr Rachel Handley passed her PhD with her thesis: ‘Quasi-Realism: A Defence’.
We enjoyed a virtual ‘Progress to Postgraduate Research’ meeting with our current final year students.
Rachael Wiseman was appointed associate editor for the history of analytic philosophy for the British Journal for the History of Philosophy.
Thomas Schramme’s ‘Properly a Subject of Contempt”: The Role of Natural Penalties in Mill’s Liberal Thought’ is out now in Journal of Social Philosophy.
Robert Booth’s monograph, Becoming a Place of Unrest: Environmental Crisis and Ecophenomenological Praxix will be published next year by Ohio University Press.
Katherine Furman’s ‘Keeping Close to Home’ on communities and contagion in the time of COVID-19 was published by The Philosophers’ Magazine.
Stephen Clark’s ‘"I knew him by his voice”: Can Animals Be Our Friends?’ is in Philosophy Now.
A piece by Nat Dyer on Rachael Wiseman’s Notes from a Biscuit Tin project was in Resurgence and Ecologist magazine.