News in Brief – April 2020!

As we continue with remote working the standout heroes of April are our amazing students, who have helped us by staying engaged, focussed and philosophical.
Our director of PPE, Katherine Furman, has been sharing insights on covid-19 drawn from her research on the HIV/AIDs pandemic and the Ebola outbreak in West Africa in 2014-2015.
Robin McKenna (Liverpool) and Natalie Ashton (Stirling) were on the Journal Entries podcast discussing whether feminist epistemologies can help us to understand how some knowledge is socially constructed.
Inkeri Koskinen discussed Katherine Furman’s work on her blog. It’s in Finnish.
Katherine Furman was interviewed for Philosophical Disquisitions – ‘How to Understand Covid 19’.
Katherine Furman, ‘On Trusting Neighbors More Than Experts: An Ebola Case Study’, in Frontiers in Communication, 16 April 2020
Michael Hauskeller, ‘Living Like a Dog: Can the Life of Non-Human Animals Be Meaningful?’, in Between the Species: A Journal for the Study of Philosophy and Animals, Vol 23(1)
Robin McKenna & Natalie Ashton, 'Situating Feminist Epistemologies' in Episteme, Volume 17, Issue 1 March 2020 , pp. 28-47.
Rachael Wiseman, Amber Carpenter & Charlotte Alston (eds), Portraits of Integrity: 26 Case Studies from History, Literature and Philosophy (Bloomsbury).
Rachael Wiseman, ‘What if the private linguist were a poet? Iris Murdoch on Privacy and Ethics’, in European Journal of Philosophy, 28:1