Workshop on Sufficiency and Sufficientarianism: Theory and Practice

Organised by Prof Thomas Shramme
2/3 April 2020
London (University of Liverpool campus)
The debate on sufficiency has gained momentum in the last few years. Within political philosophy, a group of theories gathered under the label of sufficientarianism has established itself as a contender against the dominating egalitarianism. In the discourse on environmental sustainability, sufficiency has likewise developed an important alternative perspective to, say, technological modernisation.
However, the two trajectories of debate have had fairly little contact and indeed work with two different interpretations of sufficiency. The workshop will bring together scholars and practitioners from ecological science, political theory and philosophy. It will develop the theme of sufficiency and sufficientarianism with a specific focus on sustainability and human needs.
2 April 2020
9.00-9.30 Arrival
9.30-9.45 Welcome & Introduction (TS)
9.45-10.45 Thomas Princen: Sufficiency: A Principle, A Politics, An Imperative
10.45-11.45 Liam Shields: To Sufficiency and Beyond!
11.45-12.15 Coffee
12.15-13.15 Ian Gough: Sufficiency: the centrality of human need theory
Lunch (60 min)
14.15-15.15 Katharina Bohnenberger: Distributional effects of sufficiency policy
15.15-16.15 Axel Gosseries: Sufficiency and the lifetime view
16.15-16.45 Coffee
16.45-17.45 Gillian Brock: Needs, Location, Migration, Justice and Territory: Toward a Justificatory Framework
18.00 Dinner
3 April 2020
9.00-10.00 Ingrid Robeyns: Towards a political account of flourishing
10.00-11.00 Robert Huseby: Sufficientarianism and Limitarianism
11.00-11.30 Coffee
11.30-12.30 Frank Nullmeier: The necessary, the sufficient and the too much
12.30 Lunch