News in Brief – August 2019

Featured Research
Daniel Hill on the Jonathan Edwards Centre, UK, based at Liverpool and Belfast QU.
Featured News
Robin McKenna has been awarded a BA/Leverhulme grant for his project on the psychology and epistemology of cognition.
Other News
Former PhD student and staff-member Thom Atkinson discuses ‘body, soul and the life everlasting’ on R. T. Mullins’ The Reluctant Theologian podcast.
Vid Simoniti discussed humour in a bunker at the Biennale in the 3rd Clandestine Talk in Lara Favaretto’s ‘Thinking Head’ project. Livestreamed at
Ian Dunbar had a letter in the New Scientist.
Daniel Hill gave a pre-sessional lecture to students at University of Liverpool’s English Language Centre
Stephen McLeod, Daniel Hill and Thom Atkinson, ‘On a Supposed Puzzle Concerning Modality’ , Organon F.
Michael Hauskeller, ‘Editing the Best of All Possible Worlds’ in Erik Parsens and Josephine Johnston (eds), Gene Editing and Human Flourishing (OUP: 2019).