News in Brief: July 2019

Featured Research
Department Launches new Philosophy and the Future Research theme.
Featured Teaching
MA Student Sarah Powell on her International Public Engagement Internship.
Featured News
Two SOTA300 work placement awards for Philosophy.
Other News
Becky Davnall presented a paper with Ted Lee at AERI2019, titled ‘The Rear-View Mirror: Old Metaphors for a new technology and the ‘verbing’ of the archive’.
An Post launched their Iris Murdoch stamp with Rachael Wiseman’s Philosophy by Postcard project ( The project was mentioned on BBC3’s Free Thinking. Popup postboxes have been appearing in various locations.
Dr Katherine Furman will be joining us next year from UCC. She has accepted the role as Director of PPE.
Greg Miller and Yiota Vassilopoulou were at the Joint Session, Durham. Greg presented a paper on ‘A Novel “Mereological Argument” for a Distinct Form of Panpsychism’. Yiota chaired the symposium on ‘Memory in Plato and Neo-Platonism’.
Michael Hauskeller spoke on ‘Postmortality for All at Liverpool Make Fest. Watch now.
Liverpool’s Science Fiction collections acquired a small library of rare, mostly pre-WW2, speculative fiction. It will be available for research soon.
The second of Michael Hauskeller’s ‘Philosophical Musings’ was published in The Oxford Philosopher. ‘George Pitcher on the Misfortunes of the Dead’.