News in Brief: May 2019

Featured Research
Faculty ‘Featured Researcher’ this month was Rachael Wiseman.
Featured News
Thinking: Scenes from its Philosophical History – Workshop organised by Yiota Vassilopoulou and Dan Whistler next month.
We held our PGR Philosophy Conference
Second Catalyst event for NHS Residency announced: ‘Making Sense of Pain’
Other News
- The Dissertation Showcase featured in the Faculty Student Experience Newsletter.
- Richard Gaskin is among the keynote speakers at the wonderful-looking 'Hermeneutics as a Form of Epistemology' Summer school, August 26-28, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
- Stephen Clark writes on 'Citizens of the World and their Religion' in the latest issue of Philosophical Papers.
- Gregory Miller has recorded an interview for the Partially Examined Life podcast. He's talking about the hard problem of consciousness and the ‘harder’ problem of consciousness, along with some of his own research. Watch out for further announcements.
- Rachael Wiseman was interviewed with Clare MacCumhaill in the Irish Times on Iris Murdoch’s philosophy and philosophy-by-postcard.
- Current PhD and former MA AACI students Laura Harris and Helena Geilinger launched a new arts magazine, un_bound.
- Rachael Wiseman and Clare MacCumhaill were awarded a British Society of Aesthetics grant for Notes from A Biscuit Tin. The 12-month project celebrates Mary Midgley's centenary by sending her biscuit tin off on a 12-month world tour. 12 poets will be writing on themes from her work and discussing them with philosophers (over biscuits).
- The Ethics of Police and Media Stings conference, organised by Steve McLeod and Daniel Hill and sponsored by the Society for Applied Philosophy, took place in SOTA. More on this in next month’s featured research.
- Ethical Perspectives (25:4) featured Michael Hauskeller's human enhancement book trilogy (Better Humans?; Sex and the Posthuman Condition and Mythologies of Transhumanism). Described as “A sophisticated and compelling assessment of the ethics of technological possibilities such life extension and sexbots”
- Robin McKenna was speaking on "Rational Explanation: Sociological, Psychological and Philosophical Perspectives" in Vienna.
- Michael Hauskeller was interviewed for a sky news documentary on people's desire to be immortal. The documentary is part of the series "Off Limits" and will be broadcast next month.
- PhD student Samuel Cooper presented a paper on Iris Murdoch at the Concrete Universals workshop in Durham.