Philosophy Graduate Conference 2019

Join us for the Annual Philosophy PGR Conference - Thursday 23rd May
Next week, on Thursday 23rd May, the department will be holding its annual graduate conference. The conference allows current postgraduate researchers in the Philosophy department to present and receive feedback on their recent work from their colleagues.
This year, as in previous years, the presentations cover a wide variety of topics which reflect the diverse research activity within the department. Topics include climate change, Anscombe and Murdoch, Frege and universals, Nāgārjuna and Nietzsche, and God's loving and hating. The full list of presentations can be found on the conference schedule.
The event will be held on Thursday 23rd of May, from 9.20am to 2pm, in the School of the Arts library. The event is open to all staff and students within the university and the general public. Attendance is free and refreshments will be provided.
This year, as in previous years, the presentations cover a wide variety of topics which reflect the diverse research activity within the department. Topics include climate change, Anscombe and Murdoch, Frege and universals, Nāgārjuna and Nietzsche, and God's loving and hating. The full list of presentations can be found on the conference schedule.
The event will be held on Thursday 23rd of May, from 9.20am to 2pm, in the School of the Arts library. The event is open to all staff and students within the university and the general public. Attendance is free and refreshments will be provided.
For information pleaes contact Tom Brown,