Making Sense of Pain

The International Association for the Study of Pain describes pain as “an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage”; clearly this description does not adequately address the complexity of pain, including the distinction between acute and chronic pain, psychological pain and how this relates to physical pain, and the subjective, cultural, or environmental factors that determine our understanding and experience of pain.
The aim of the day is to instigate and facilitate meaningful dialogue about pain, including managing pain, understanding the pain of others, art’s contribution to dealing with pain, issues of professional and personal integrity, empathy, and compassion, all of which often create considerable tension or dilemmas for healthcare professionals when dealing with pain.
It is with great pleasure that NHS R&D NW, in collaboration with the Department of Philosophy, University of Liverpool, invite you to attend this regional event -
Making sense of Pain
A day workshop for healthcare professionals, academics, and the general public.
This Event will take place from 9.30am - 4.00pm (including lunch) on Wednesday 26th June 2019 at Federation House, Manchester City Centre.
Setting the scene for this innovative and thought-provoking day will be a team from the Philosophy Department of the University of Liverpool, consisting of Dr Yiota Vassilopoulou, Dr Rachael Wiseman, and Professor Michael Hauskeller.
This innovative event will gather together people from diverse backgrounds across the health and social care sector, specialists in pain management, academics working in this field and members of the public.
The event is part of the NHS R&D NW ''Philosopher-in-Residence programme'' in collaboration with the University of Liverpool, exploring how philosophical input can influence our thinking and behaviour in the NHS and in particular how we experience and manage pain within our health and social care culture.
The event is based on Open Space facilitation and is a participative event that requires some delegate contribution on the day. You will be invited to take part in discussions and it is an opportunity for mutual sharing of expertise and knowledge.
For more details about Open Space and Catalyst events, you can view two short animations at:
Open Space
Catalyst Event
It is anticipated the event will:
- Identify questions of importance to policy makers, commissioners, service providers, clinicians, patients and the public.
- Give colleagues in the North West of England an idea of strengths and potential gaps in pain management in health and social care organisations.
- Create new, exciting and innovative collaborations to develop research questions, ideas and service developments.
- Improve links between the NHS, Universities and other organisations with which to facilitate research and support changes in practice.
- Allow participants to reflect on their personal experience of pain.
We sincerely hope you are able to attend this event as your views and input are essential in ensuring the ongoing discussion of pain management within health and social care culture.
To reserve your place, please contact Leanne Gregory.
Places are limited and will be allocated on a first come first serve basis!
Professor Stuart Eglin
Chief Executive of NHS Research and Development North West
Further information on all NHS R&D events.
Have you seen our Wonder Women Film Series yet?
With special thanks to the Wellcome Trust for their generous support for this event.