News in Brief - October 2018

Featured Research
Ben Bramble on the passing of temporal well-being
Featured Teaching
Professor Michael Hauskeller awarded a Higher Education Academy Senior Fellowship for his achievements in teaching.
Featured News
Re-writing C20th British Philosophy: Rachael Wiseman features on BBC3 Free Thinking.
We introduced FOUR new colleagues
Stephen Clark retired from PHILOS-L. Now meet the new team.
Other News
The British Academy launched a new collaboration with the Wolfson Collaboration. Rachael Wiseman provided a statement for the press release.
Becky Davnall spoke at the #causeascene Conference in London on "The PanoptiCar: why we shouldn't trust self-driving cars to make value judgements".
Vid Simoniti gave a talk on the work of Conceptual Artist & philosopher Adrian Piper, at the symposium that opened Piper’s exhibition Concepts & Intuitions @hammer_museum LA. The talk can be seen here (Vid’s presentation starts from 1:32:00)
On October 18th Becky Davnall was in Cambridge for the Sensor Student Showcase
Yiota Vassilopoulou & Michael Hauskeller will be speaking on 'Designing Meaning in End-of-Life Care' at *Palliative Care, Architecture, Design and Technology* symposium on Nov 12th.
Our Royal Institute of Philosophy lecture series kicked off with Harvard's Professor Michael Puett discussing Chinese Philosophy and the meaning of life on Oct 12.
Richard Gaskin is planning a workshop on 'The Question of Linguistic Idealism' in June 2019. He and Rachael Wiseman will speak. Programme and information to follow here.
Vid Simoniti has published a piece in the American literary magazine The Point, on whether digital art can respond to the fragmentation of our times.
The online philosophy journal The Oxford Philosopher is now publishing a series of “musings” by Michael Hauskeller, the first of which just appeared: John Wisdom on the Meaning of the Questions of Life.
In memory of Mary Midgley: A philosopher of peerless conviction, whose work dared to make sense of 'this deeply puzzling world', by Rachael Wiseman
Just out: the Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement Volume 83, Moral Enhancement: Critical Perspectives, edited by our Head of Department Michael Hauskeller and his former student Lewis Coyne.
Just out: Philosophy Now's second bookazine, the "Ultimate Guide to Metaphysics", featuring among other worthy contributions an essay by Michael Hauskeller on the fascinating question why Buridan's ass doesn't starve.
Rachael Wiseman has a paper in The Iris Murdoch Review, No. 9. Co-authored with Clare MacCumhaill, ‘Anscombe, Foot, Midgley, Murdoch: A Philosophical School'
Ian Dunbar had a letter in the Guardian defending analytic philosophy: it 'constitute[s] a universal heritage for all humanity'.