News in Brief - September 2018

Featured Research
Dr Becky Davnall on immoral acts in virtual worlds
Featured News
Philosophy and Economics student becomes Economist Student Ambassador
Harvard professor and bestselling author to launch philosophy lecture series
Dr Rachael Wiseman on the British Academy Blog: What it means to have integrity in the 21st century
Other News
Dr Daniel Hill gave a talk ‘The burqa should not be banned’ at the Christians and Muslims in Public Life workshop held in Manchester. The workshop was organized by the Oxford Centre for Muslim-Christian Studies.
Dr Rachael Wiseman was a visiting researcher at the new Anscombe Archive at the Collegium Institute, University of Pennsylvania. She and Clare MacCumhaill gave a presentation on their research project Women In Parenthesis.
Dr Robin McKenna spoke on the “The Epistemology of Motivated Reasoning” at a Mancept workshop.
Dr Rachael Wiseman was invited to spend a week at Queens University, Canada. She hosted a workshop on equality and diversity, took a graduate class with Prof David Bakhurst and gave the Graham Kennedy Public Lecture.
PhD researcher Tom Swaine-Jameson presented his work at the Salzburg Conference for Young Analytic Philosophy.
The faculty’s new Network for the Interface of Classics and Politics announced that Lord Norton of Louth will be speaking on classical rhetoric and contemporary politics at the launch on October 26th.
The Royal Institute of Philosophy announced its lecture series for 2018-19 is on the Wartime Quartet (Anscombe, Foot, Midgley and Murdoch) Dr Rachael Wiseman will be speaking and there will be an In Parenthesis public reading group in London to accompany the series.
Panpsycast announced the release of its first audiobook, 'Developments in Christian Thought'. Featuring Dr Thom Atkinson and Dr Daniel Hill.