News in Brief - August 2018

Featured Research
Quantum Entanglement and the Problem of Natural Evil by Barry Dainton
Featured News
Chinese Philosophy and the Meaning of Life
Prof Michael Puett (Harvard) to give Royal Institute of Philosophy Lecture on October 12th. Tickets available.
New Insights seminar series to accompany Stapledon Lectures
Stephen Clark to retire from PHILOS-L
Other News
Becky Davnall presented "Grand Theft Argument: The Problem with Paradigm Cases of Virtual Violence" at The Games Studies Triple Conference in Copenhagen has begun!
Rachael Wiseman and John Picton (Law) and Eddy Hogg (Social Policy, Kent) were awarded a research development grant from HSS to co-founders the Donation Research Network - an interdisciplinary network aiming to elicit & share boundary-crossing perspectives on the nature of donation.
The Semester 1 schedule for the Stapedon Lectures is available here. Please note the new day (Thursday) and time (4-6pm).
Michael Hauskeller’s, “The Concept and the Perception of Atmospheres”, in: Designing Atmospheres, ed. Juergen Weidinger.
Stephen McLeod and Daniel Hill's article with Attila Tanyi, 'The Concept of Entrapment', was downloaded 1.4k times in its first 12 months.