Register now for the Insights Postgraduate Seminar Series!

The Department of Philosophy is launching a new series of talks aimed at SOTA Post-Graduates to accompany the Stapledon Colloquium. INSIGHT sessions will take place in the School of the Arts Stapledon Library 3 – 3.45pm on the days of the Stapledon Colloquium. Tea and biscuits will be provided!
Post-graduates and post-doctoral researchers are invited to join the Stapledon speaker one hour before the Colloquium. There will be an informal discussion of the paper and an opportunity to find out about the speaker’s research background and career.
The series will provide post-graduates with INSIGHTS into
- the research context for the talk
- writing and delivering a talk
- building a research project and profile
- academic life
- different careers paths and opportunities.
As postgraduates it is often quite obscure how best to negotiate the path from student to faculty – it is hoped that the INSIGHT series will demystify this through giving real examples of routes into the academy. One of the aims of the series is to demonstrate the great variety among academics – in terms of both their academic histories and their careers.
Speakers in the first semester include those who have taken a traditional route through the English university system, philosophers from the U.S. and mainland Europe, and academics who have had substantial career breaks, spent time abroad or had previous careers outside the academy.
INSIGHTS are open to all SOTA Post Graduates and Post-Doctoral Researchers. Masters and Research students from the Department of Philosophy are especially encouraged to attend.
Please contact Rachael Wiseman to register for the series or for individual sessions – spaces are limited and will be allocated on a first-come first-served basic.
Third-year undergraduates and staff who wish to attend should contact Rachael and will be welcome if space permits.