Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellowships at the School of the Arts

The University of Liverpool’s School of the Arts invites expressions of interest for the 2018 Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellowship scheme. These awards offer opportunities for outstanding early career researchers to strengthen their experience of research and teaching in a university environment.
The University of Liverpool is one of the United Kingdom’s leading research institutions with an annual turnover of £400 million, including £140 million for research. Liverpool is ranked in the top 1% of universities worldwide and is a member of the prestigious Russell Group, comprising the leading research universities in the United Kingdom.
The Department of Philosophy seeks to maintain the highest standard in research excellence while pursuing fruitful civic engagements, collaborative relationships and opportunities for knowledge exchange and research impact. Our work encompasses a wide range of philosophical topics and traditions grouped in three principal areas:
Those interested in applying for Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellowship are invited to submit expressions of interest to Professor Simon Hailwood, Departmental Research Lead, by 9am on Wednesday 10th January 2018, consisting of the following:
- CV (2 pages max) and a list of publications (1 page max)
- An outline (2 pages max) of the research proposal, including intended publication outputs
- 100-word abstract
- Identification of potential mentor
Applicants shortlisted by the Department and School will be informed by 17th January. All shortlisted candidates will be invited to attend a Faculty workshop in Liverpool on Thursday 1st February, which will include presentations and advice about the scheme and give candidates the opportunity to meet with their chosen mentor.
Following the workshop, candidates will be invited to send their fully developed application outline for final peer-review and selection by the Faculty. Candidates selected to put an application forward to the Leverhulme Trust with the University of Liverpool will be notified by 16th February.
Further information, including eligibility criteria can be found on the Leverhulme Trust website.