SWIP-Ireland / Women in Parenthesis Conference

This SWIP-Ireland conference, in collaboration with In Parenthesis, invites papers on the broad topic of Women in Philosophy: Past, Present and Future.
The occasion of the workshop is the centenary of a paper published in Mind by the Irish philosopher and prominent librarian, Agnes Cumming. The conference welcomes contributions relevant to the general theme of the role of women in philosophy.
Papers from all approaches and traditions in philosophy including submissions on neglected historical figures, reports of archival visits, as well as reflection on methodological practice and on visions for philosophy in the future are encouraged.
Papers from graduate students and philosophers working outside academia are also welcome. Presentations and panels related to any aspect of the work of the keynote speakers are also welcome.
Keynote speakers
Eileen Brennan (Dublin City University)
Nancy Cartwright (Durham University)
Siobhan Chapman (University of Liverpool)
Kristin Gjesdal (Temple University)
Sally Haslanger (MIT)
Sigridur Thorgeirsdottir (University of Iceland)
Please submit an anonymised abstract of 300-400 words and provide separate contact details.
Deadline: March 1, 2018.
NB. Abstracts should be sent to maria.baghramian@ucd.ie as a Word document attachment (not PDF and not in the body of an email message) in an email with the subject heading SWIP 2018.
Presentations will be 20 minutes plus 10 minutes discussion.
Notification of acceptance
Notifications of acceptance will be sent out three weeks after the closing date of the call.
Panel submissions are also welcome: Please submit an anonymised panel description of 400-600 words, including the proposed individual contributions on the panel theme. List the proposed contributors and the corresponding author’s contact details separately.
An additional panel will be convened by the In Parenthesis project
In Parenthesis studies the collective corpus of Irish-born philosophers Iris Murdoch and Elizabeth Anscombe, together with Phillipa Foot and Mary Midgley, with whom they studied in Oxford during WWII.
For further information see: