Liverpool students perform at Edinburgh Festival Fringe

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The University's Drama Society is performing an adaptation of Christina Rossetti’s Goblin Market at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe

Arts talent from the University of Liverpool was showcased at the world-famous Edinburgh Festival Fringe this week after students, recent graduates and alumni took to the stage.

An adaptation of Christina Rossetti’s Goblin Market, which has been directed and performed by members of the University’s Drama Society, has been running all this week at Surgeon’s Hall in the city.

The all-new adaptation of Rossetti’s dark fairy tale, written by English graduate Zoe Howes-Wiles, has been supported with a soundtrack by recent music graduate Alex Cottrell and Dr Sarah Peverley from the University’s School of English. The soundtrack, which is original harp and balalaika music, has already hit the 30 bestselling albums chart on Bandcamp, with proceeds going to The Reader Organisation. [callout title= ]"Edinburgh Fringe is regarded as a showcase of current and future stars in the arts, so to have so many high quality performances connected to Liverpool is a real achievement"[/callout]

The Drama Society’s Scribble Group has also taken a comedy show to Edinburgh Festival Fringe called Sketching Out, while Philosophy graduate Alastair Clark is performing a stand-up show based on his experience as a student. Alastair’s memoir, which chronicles the highs and the lows of his time as a student in Liverpool, is running to the end of the festival in the Cabaret Voltaire in Edinburgh.

Recent Liverpool graduate Alex Pardey also joined the Festival Fringe, performing the title roles in two plays, The Brief Afterlife of Reginald Tanner and a two-man adaptation of Lord Byron’s closet drama Cain with graduate Igor Memic. Cain has been directed by current English student Rio Matchett and is being performed every day until the end of the festival.

Dr Sarah Peverley from the University of Liverpool’s School of English said: "It’s fantastic to see so much talent from our University at the largest arts festival in the world. Edinburgh Fringe is regarded as a showcase of current and future stars in the arts, so to have so many high quality performances connected to Liverpool is a real achievement, not only for our University, but for the city as well. I’m so proud of our students."

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