Professor Thaddeus Metz

Thaddeus Metz

Prof Thaddeus Metz is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Pretoria in South Africa, and is often credited for having helped develop life’s meaning as a distinct field in Anglo-American philosophy over the past 20 years. Influential works of his on meaning in life include: ‘The Concept of a Meaningful Life’, American Philosophical Quarterly (2001); ‘Recent Work on the Meaning of Life’, Ethics (2002); and Meaning in Life: An Analytic Study (Oxford University Press, 2013). His most recent notable contribution is God, Soul and the Meaning of Life (Cambridge University Press, 2019). As a fun fact, Prof Metz was once featured as a clue on the American game show Jeopardy: ‘Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy entry written by Thaddeus Metz, or a movie co-written by John Cleese’ was the answer to the question ‘What is the Meaning of Life?’ (8 December 2016).