- University of Liverpool
- Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine
- Liverpool John Moores University
- Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- Liverpool City Council
- Liverpool City Region Combined Authority
- Knowledge Quarter Liverpool (KQ Liverpool).
Liverpool has a rare ecosystem of closely located experts in medical, veterinary and tropical medicine, public health, and behavioural sciences. We:
- Identified risk factors for severe COVID-19 disease and informed UK policy through leading the UK-wide “ISARIC-4C” study of 300,000 patients hospitalised with COVID-19
- Accelerated the development of effective treatments, including the antiviral drug, molnupiravir, through the pioneering “AGILE” clinical trial platform.
- Developed rapid diagnostic tests for COVID-19 in partnership with the Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics (FIND)
- Established the Accelerator Research Clinic, which has conducted COVID-19 vaccine trials for AstraZeneca and developed pneumococcal vaccines for Pfizer
- Led the UK research response to other emerging threats including Ebola, Zika, dengue and Japanese encephalitis.
Liverpool’s unique civic, scientific and health partnerships have saved lives. We:
- Pioneered the world’s first city-wide COVID-19 asymptomatic mass testing programme, leading to a 25% reduction in hospital admissions, and informing national and global policy
- Organised the “First Dance” party weekend as part of the events research programme, to show how mass public events could occur safely after COVID-19 lockdowns and help re-open the economy
- Established the world’s first Civic Data Cooperative which links data on testing, hospital admissions and GP practice, to inform complex activities such as COVID-19 community testing.
Liverpool has a critical mass of civic and research organisations working closely together:
- We are one of only five National Health Service High Consequences Infectious Disease Units in the UK, which can safely treat patients infected with the most dangerous pathogens
- Liverpool is recognised by the UK Government Department for Business and Trade as an area of high potential investment opportunity for vaccine development and manufacture
- The city is home to the world’s richest global dataset of zoonotic pathogens, hosts and locations, which can predict those most likely to cause future outbreaks.

There are few places that can claim to have made a bigger impact on global health than the Liverpool City Region. A trailblazer in infection control for more than 125 years, we have built an enviable reputation as home to some of the world’s greatest scientific minds - and it is a legacy we’re proud to be continuing today.
Steve Rotheram – Mayor of the Liverpool City Region
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