Open Research Week 2024 will be opened by Prof Chris Greer, Pro-Vice Chancellor Research at the University of Essex, followed by our opening keynote talk Activating ‘Anecdotes’: the power of open practices in changing Research Culture from Dr Kay Guccione and Dr Rachel Herries (University of Glasgow). The week will be closed by Dr Komang Ralebitso Senior, Associate Dean (Diversity and Inclusion) for the Faculty of Science and Senior Lecturer Microbial Ecology, Liverpool John Moores University, who will be introducing our closing keynote talk Is open science really open for everyone? You can find more information and register for individual sessions via the links in the programme.
Monday 26th February 2024
10.00 am – 11.00 am.
Opening Keynote Talk: Activating ‘Anecdotes’: the power of open practices in changing Research Culture
Dr Kay Guccione, Head of Research Culture & Research Development and Dr Rachel Herries, Research Culture Manager, The University of Glasgow.
What does openness look like from a culture development perspective? What constitutes data, how do we manage data stewardship, and what does ‘open’ look like for us? Developing the research culture is fundamentally a process of learning, whether that is learning new ways to do research or to communicate research, or new ways to engage and interact with and within our local and global communities.
More information and register here.
Tuesday 27th February 2024
11.00 am - 12.00 pm.
Citizen Science: unleashing the possibilities of research for and with everyone
Essex Bioblitz – Photographing the fingerprint of climate change in Essex.
Dr David Clark will be talking about how they are engaging with the public of Essex in gathering scientific data that will increase the understanding of ecological impacts of climate change in the region.
The Essex BioBlitz is a community science project aiming to measure how climate change in Essex is altering the timing and duration of flowering in our native flora.
Looking up: Astronomy and young citizens.
Professor Andy Newsam will be talking about what he has learnt about the challenges of citizen science in schools, and the potential benefits of a captive audience.
The Schools’ Observatory Project has connected young scientists to the universe for over a decade, allowing many thousands of school pupils to observe alongside professional astronomers using a large robotic telescope.
More information and register here.
14.30 pm – 15.30 pm (15.30pm -16.30pm CET)
Once more, with feeling. Replications in history
Dr Pim Huijnen and Dr Peiter Huistra from Utrecht University will talk about their project, which looks at replicating studies from three historical subdisciplines to make the process historians use to select and interpret their data more transparent, and thus more in line with the principles of open science.
More information and register here.
Wednesday 28th February 2024
10.30 am - 11.30 am.
How is the Open Research landscape evolving in Europe?
The UK agreed a deal to associate to Horizon Europe in September 2023. Europe is investing heavily in open research through various projects, platforms, and tools. What does this mean for UK researchers who collaborate with European colleagues, or wish to in the future?
Professor Hugh Shanahan and Helen Clare, senior e-infrastructure strategy manager at Jisc, will talk about what European open research initiatives mean for UK researchers and organisations that support researchers and open research.
More information and register here.
13.30 pm to 15.00 pm
Why choose open? Four perspectives on Open Journals
We often discuss open journals in the arena of scholarly communication, but what does it mean to work with and advocate for them? This session brings together four different speaker perspectives reflecting on their experiences of working on or with open journals. Each speaker will discuss their role in open journals/publishing, and why they choose to publish/work in that sphere, with time for questions after each.
Katrine Sundsbø, Community Manager at DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals)
Cath Dishman, Open Access and Digital Scholarship Librarian, Liverpool John Moores University
Craig Hammond, Reader in Pedagogies and Critical Theory, Liverpool John Moores University
Lucy Harding, early career researcher and EdD candidate, University of Central Lancashire
More information and register here.
Thursday 29th February 2024
10.00 am – 11.15 am
Open Research Practices and Skills – Organised and supported by the UKRN
Will Gawned (Community Project Manager) and Dr Diane Hird – (Community Project Coordinator) together with our local UKRN leads:
Alexis Makin, Senior Lecturer Psychology, University of Liverpool
Michel Belyk, Senior Lecturer Psychology, Edge Hill University and
Andrew Jones, Senior Lecturer Psychology, Liverpool John Moores University
Osama Mahmoud, Lecturer School of Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Science, University of Essex
will lead this session about the skills and practices that will enable researchers to be as open as possible.
More information and register here.
Open Research Community Showcase event
Register now and join us in person for our Open Research Showcase on Thursday 29th February 2024. This event will spotlight the open research endeavours undertaken by our staff members at the University of Liverpool. Please note this event is for University of Liverpool staff and PGRs only.
The event will take place in the KnowHow Workshop Space, 1st Floor, Abercromby Wing, Sydney Jones Library, 14:00 - 17:00.
Our showcase will begin with a presentation from the UKRN, with their session entitled “UKRN Roadshow: who we are and what we do” featuring University of Liverpool researchers Prof. Bill Greenhalf, Dr Alexis Makin and Dr Alice Howarth.
We will then have spotlights from researchers here at Liverpool including:
- Dr Mark Green, Reader in Health Geography in the Department of Geography and Planning
- Dr Helen Kalirai, Senior Research Fellow in the Liverpool Ocular Oncology Research Group
- Dr Loukia Tzavella, Tenure Track Fellow, Institute of Population Health
Our Open Research Showcase promises to be an informative gathering where you can explore the latest developments and engage in meaningful discussions with experts in their respective fields. Together, we will celebrate open research, fostering collaboration and the sharing of knowledge.
Stay tuned for more information, in the meantime, save the date and register to secure your place!
More information on the Open Research Community can be found here.
Friday 1st March
10.00 am – 11.30 am.
Closing Keynote Talk: Is open science REALLY open for everyone?
Open Science discussions typically revolve around data sharing, reproducibility, and transparency in the research process - but to be truly open, it is important to be mindful of equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) in this process
Facilitated by Reshanne Reeder Lecturer in Psychology University of Liverpool and Loukia Tzavella Fellow of Institute of Population Health University of Liverpool.
Three short talks followed by an open discussion.
Andy Jones – How to be an inclusive supervisor/principal investigator
Maddi Pownall – How to make science more open for underrepresented scholars
Tatsuya Amano – How to ensure diverse voices are heard when English is a second language for a significant number of researchers.
More information and register here.

ORW 2024 Team
Liam Bullingham – Assistant Director, Library and Cultural Services, University of Essex
Judith Carr – Head of Open Research Services, Library and Learning Services, Edge Hill University
Hannah Crago - Open Research Development Librarian, Library and Cultural Services, University of Essex
Cath Dishman - Open Access and Digital Scholarship Librarian, Liverpool John Moores University
Alice Howarth - Open Research Project Officer, Libraries, Museums and Galleries, University of Liverpool
Katherine Stephan – Research Support Librarian, Liverpool John Moores University
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