How to make your work Open Access

All original research articles can and should be made Open Access, and there is more than one way to do this. To be eligible for submission to the REF, all journal articles and conference proceedings must be Open Access. Many research funders also require outputs to be available Open Access too (see our Open Access policies page for more detail on this).

Below is a step by step guide to making your work Open Access. Please work through this before you submit to a journal. We can only accept requests for Gold Open Access funding before submission to the journal.

You can also use our open access workflow diagram to guide you.

Important note: from December 2024 there is a temporary pause on individual APC requests for articles other than those acknowledging Wellcome Trust or Cancer Research UK funding (relevant to step 4 below).

Step 1: Choose a journal

Before you submit to this journal follow through the next steps to determine the OA route that is available to you.

Step 2: Click here to check whether the corresponding author is eligible for funding

Corresponding author is an XJTLU staff member or student - XJTLU staff are not eligible for funding. Please submit to your chosen journal via the subscription route (or seek alternative funding if it is a fully gold journal). Deposit Accepted Manuscript in Elements upon acceptance to make your work Open Access in the University Repository.

Corresponding author is a researcher at the University of Liverpool (staff member or PGR student), or the grant is held here, go to Step 3.

Step 3: Is this journal available to the corresponding author in our list of prepaid deals?

Yes - Submit to your chosen journal and follow publisher instructions to choose Open Access publication. If presented with a choice of licence, you must choose the CC-BY licence - we cannot approve more restrictive licences, such as CC-BY-NC. For more guidance on Creative Commons Licenses, check out our Creative Commons Licenses Guide.

No - go to Step 4

Step 4: Is the journal in the Directory of Open Access Journals?

Yes - Cancer Research UK or Wellcome Trust funded papers

If you are funded by Cancer Research UK or Wellcome Trust, fill in the Gold Open Access Payment Request form. Receive confirmation from the Open Research team that funds are available and then submit to the journal. If offered a choice of licenses, choose the CC-BY licence as we cannot fund more restrictive licenses such as CC-BY-NC. 

If you want to submit to a fully open access journal not listed in DOAJ,  email the Open Access Team and we'll look into it.

Please note, honorary staff are not eligible unless the grant is held here.

Yes - all other papers, including UKRI-funded papers

We cannot currently pay for publication fees in fully open access gold journals. We recommend you choose a journal included in our read and publish agreement database (no open access publish costs for UoL corresponding authors), or submit to a hybrid journal and self deposit the Author Accepted Manuscript in Elements

This information will be updated when we are able to re-open requests for these papers.

No - Go to Step 5.

Step 5: Submit via the subscription / repository route (free)

Step 5 Submit to your chosen journal via the subscription route. Deposit the Accepted Manuscript in Elements upon acceptance to make your work Open Access in the University Repository.

UKRI (Research Councils) and Wellcome Trust require their grantees to use a specific wording in submissions to subscription journals to ensure they (the grantees) retain the rights to make their Author Accepted Manuscript available. Further details, and the text of these statements, are available on our Open Access Policies page.

These steps apply to:

  • Original research journal articles
  • Non-commissioned review articles
  • Conference proceedings

We cannot fund:

  • Data articles
  • Protocols
  • Editorial material
  • Invited reviews
  • Book reviews
  • Commentaries

These articles should be made Open Access by depositing the Accepted Manuscript in Elements.

If you are unsure which route to take in order to make your output Open Access please contact the Open Research Team.