European Spallation Source AB

Studies into beam loss patterns at ESS

Trainee: Michal Jarosz
Supervisor: Andreas Jansson

The understanding of beam losses is essential for high energy, high intensity accelerators. The project focuses on the studies into beam loss patterns at European Spallation Source with the aim to optimize the distribution (location and type) for beam loss monitors and improve the interpretation of the BLM data. Project’s main goal is to develop a full ESS accelerator’s model in the Monte-Carlo simulation codes (FLUKA and MARS) and use it to study the optimal location of loss monitors and develop algorithms to analyze the measured spatial loss profile. The model starts as a rough estimation of the foreseen machine and will become more detailed as more information about the accelerator’s components become available. The simulations performed using it will also bring answers to the questions concerning the activation of machine’s components and surrounding, radiation mechanical damage and heating.



Methods for measuring the beam profile in high intensity beams

Trainee: Charlotte Roose 
Supervisor: Andreas Jansson

The ESR will evaluate and develop alternative methods for measuring the beam profile in high intensity beams, including electron/ion beam scanners, ionization profile monitors, quadrupole pick-ups, Compton scattering and luminescence. This will be done in close collaboration with CERN, ULIV and GSI. Once the optimum method has been identified, a prototype will be designed, built up and tested.


Scientist in charge:

Andreas Jansson