‘Lasers and Accelerators for Science & Society’ symposium by webcast

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From the deepest secrets of the universe to the latest applications in healthcare, materials and drug development – there will be something of interest to everyone at the ‘Lasers & Accelerators for Science and Society’ symposium, on 26th June 2015.

To listen to the speakers there will be a webcast


Accelerating Researcher Careers 

Prof. Carsten Welsch, Head of the University of Livepool Accelerator Physics Group, provides an overview of recent developments.

Particle Accelerators - Engines of Discovery -

Prof. Grahame Blair, Executive Director of Programmes for the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), will talk about the applications of particle accelerators.

Accelerating Ions to Beat Cancer -

Prof. Katia Parodi, Head of Medical Physics at the Ludwig Maximilians University, will be discussing how image-guided radiotheraphy can provide precise targeting of tumours while sparing the surrounding healthy tissue.

Unravelling the Secrets of the Universe

Prof. Brian Cox, University of Manchester, will describe how curiosity-driven science pays for itself, powering innovation and a profound appreciation of our existence.

Pathway from Particles to Light -

Dr. Ralph W. Aßmann, leading scientist at Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Germany, is working on the new accelerator technologies and will be talking what the implications are for lasers.

Bringing Light into Research -

Prof. Victor Malka, Laboratoire d’Optique Appliquée (LOA), Palaiseau, France, will be describing how in a plasma accelerators offer the opportunity to create a new generation of highly compact accelerators with new properties, such as providing a new tool for ultra-fast time-resolved science.

Attoscience – Exploring Nature on Shortest Time scales -

Prof. Marc J.J. Vrakking, Max Born Institute for Nonlinear Optics and Short Pulse Spectroscopy, Berlin, Germany. Attoscience is exploring the fastest physical events and providing new insights into nuclear dynamics within the molecule and its electron structure.