Technical University of Darmstadt

Contact: Florian Hug

TU DarmstadtHas been an internationally-oriented university ever since its founding in 1877. Many pioneering achievements and internationally recognized scholars have contributed to significant progress in many different fields. The TU’s focus on technology – from the perspectives of engineering, the natural sciences, the humanities and the social sciences – ranges from basic research to applications for day-to-day life.

The Institute for Nuclear Physics at TU Darmstadt operates the superconducting, recycling electron linear accelerator S-DALINAC. Since 1991 the accelerator is the key research infrastructure at the institute and is being continuously improved. In 1996, for example, the very first IR-FEL light in Germany was produced in this machine, which has enabled many groundbreaking experiments since. High system availability and a cutting edge accelerator R&D program covering all aspects of the accelerator are only two of the outstanding characteristics of this facility.
