oPAC Workshops
Specialist Workshops
Computer Simulation Technology (CST) ‘Particle Studio’
24th June 2013, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
Bergoz Instrumentation ‘Beam Instrumentation’
25th June 2013, Bergoz, France
1st oPAC Topical Workshop
Grand Challenges in Accelerator Optimisation
June 26th - 27th 2013, CERN, Switzerland
2nd oPAC Topical Workshop
Libera Technology
April 9th -11th 2014, Instrumentation Technologies, Solkan, Slovenia
3rd oPAC Topical Workshop
Beam Diagnostics
May 8th - 9th 2014, CIVIDEC, Vienna, Austria
4th oPAC Topical Workshop
CAoPAC : Computer Aided Optimization of Particle Accelerators
March 11th-13th 2015, GSI, Darmstadt, Germany
5th oPAC Topical Workshop
Technology Transfer
June 22nd - 23rd 2015, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK
Researcher Careers Workshop
June 27th 2016, Kraków, Poland
oPAC Topical Workshop on Beam Loss Monitors
Sept 15th - 16th 2016, Barcelona, Spain