'Lasers and Accelerators for Science and Society', 26.06.2015, Symposium, ACC, Liverpool, UK (C.P. Welsch)
'Commissioning Results of the New BPM Electronics of the ESRF Booster Synchrotron', 05.05.2015, IPAC15, Richmond, VA, USA (M. Cargnelutti, Kees Bertus Scheidt) (MOAB3)
'Numerical Tools for Accelerator Optimization', 11.03.2015, CaoPAC Workshop, GSI, Darmstadt, Germany (C.P. Welsch)
'Adaptation of existing open-source control systems from compact accelerators to large scale facilities', 11.03.2015, CaoPAC Workshop, GSI, Darmstadt, Germany (P. Maslov)
'LHC and HL-LHC Collimation System Simulation', 12.03.2015, CaoPAC Workshop, GSI, Darmstadt, Germany (H. Garcia)
'Systematisation of accelerator layout design using Monte Carlo simulations', 12.03.2015, CaoPAC Workshop, GSI, Darmstadt, Germany (M. Jarosz)
'TestBed - Automated Hardware-in-the-Loop Test Framework', 14. - 17.10.2014, PCaPAC 2014, KIT, Karlsruhe, Germany (P. Maslov)
'Lattices for 3rd generation synchrotron light sources', 24.9.2014, Congress of the Italian Physical Society (SIF), Pisa, Italy (M. Carlá)
'Transverse Beam Size Measurements at ALBA Synchrotron Light Source', 24.9.2014, Congress of the Italian Physical Society (SIF), Pisa, Italy (L. Torino)
'Modeling & Electromagnetic Simulations of Beam Position Monitors (BPMs) for Extra Low ENergy Rings (ELENA)', 15.5.2014, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Middle East Technical University (METU), Ankara, Turkey (S.Naveed)
'LHeC accelerator Development', 28.4.-2.5.2014, DIS 14, Warsaw, Poland (E. Cruz Alaniz)
'Preliminary design of the CERN ERL test Facility', 17.-21.03.2014, EIC14 workshop, Newport News, VA, USA (A. Valloni)
'The LHeC IR and Its Compatibility with HL-LHC', 17.-21.03.2014, EIC14 workshop, Newport News, VA, USA (E. Cruz Alaniz)
'TF - Stages and optics', 20.-21.01.2014, LHeC Workshop, Chavannes-de-Bogis, Switzerland (A. Valloni)
'IR proton optics', 20.-21.01.2014, LHeC Workshop, Chavannes-de-Bogis, Switzerland (E. Cruz Alaniz)
'Diamond and silicon as possible candidates for LHC cryogenic beam loss monitors', 15.–17.12.2013, 2nd Adamas – Advanced Diamond Assemblies workshop at GSI –Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH, Darmstadt, Germany (M. Bartosik)
'Beam Physics in Future Electron Hadron Colliders', 30.09‐04.10.2013, 25th North American Particle Accelerator Conference, NA‐PAC’13, Pasadena, USA (A. Valloni)
'Sub-micrometer transverse beam size diagnostics using optical transition radiation', 23.-27.09.2013, Symposium on Radiation from Relativistic Electrons in Periodic Structures, Lake Sevan, Armenia (K. Kruchinin)
'Cross‐sector collaboration in Accelerator R&D', 20.9.2013, Thorlabs, Munich, Germany (C.P. Welsch)
'Charge Distribution Measurements at ALBA', 19.09.2013, IBIC 2013, Oxford, UK (L. Torino)
'Extremely Low Emittance Beam Size Diagnostics with Sub-Micrometer Resolution using Optical Transition Radiation', 18.09.2013, IBIC 2013, Oxford, UK (K. Kruchinin)
'Design of a detection system to verify 2D dose maps for Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) treatment', 09.2013, CNA, Seville, Spain (M. C. Battaglia)
'Beam Physics in Future Electron Hadron Colliders', 2‐5.09.2013, Physics Opportunities at an Electron‐ Ion Collider workshop, Jyväskylä, Finnland (A. Valloni)
'Development of a Multi GPU based PIC', 17‐23.08.2013, KWT 2013 Workshop on Advances in Electromagnetic Research, Riezlern, Austria (M. Sofranac)
'Polarity checks of non‐linear circuits', 17‐18.06.2013, LHC Optics Measurement and Corrections Review, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland (M. McAteer)
'Roles & Goals of EC projects: A Vision for Europe - View of a University', 11.06.2013, EUCard2 kickoff meeting/Visions for the future of Particle Accelerators, Cern, Switzerland (C. P. Welsch)
'Re-Structuring Post Graduate Researcher Training',18.4.2013. HEA STEM: Annual Learning and Teaching Conference, Birmingham, UK (C.P. Welsch)
'Employability in Europe: Enhancing Post Graduate Complementary Skills Training', 17.4.2013, HEA STEM: Annual Learning and Teaching Conference, Birmingham, UK (C.P. Welsch)
'Optics Measurements in the FNAL Booster and the CERN PSB', 14‐16.11.2012, 2nd Joint HiLumi LHC‐LARP Annual Meeting, INFN, Frascati, Italy (M. McAteer)
'Industry‐Academia Collaboration', 10.10.2012, Soltan, Slovenia (S. Davies)
'Research & Training Initiative in Accelerator Sciences – the oPAC Project', 2.8.2012, University of Mainz, Germany (C.P. Welsch)
'Accelerator and Beam Instrumentation R&D', 30.7.2012, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany (C. P. Welsch)