Dosimetric studies for the irradiation of biological samples with protons at the 3 MV Tandem accelerator, M.C. Battaglia, et al., CAoPAC Workshop, GSI, Darmstadt, Germany (2015)
Transverse coherent instabilities in the LHC and HL-LHC: from understanding to predictions, D. Astapovych, et al., CAoPAC Workshop, GSI, Darmstadt, Germany (2015)
Device Control Database Tool, P. Maslov, et al., CAoPAC Workshop, GSI, Darmstadt, Germany (2015)
Accelerator Mass Spectrometry at CNA: recent developments, G. Scognamiglio, et al.,CAoPAC Workshop, GSI, Darmstadt, Germany (2015)
Design Studies for the LHeC ERL Test Facility, A. Valloni, et al., CAoPAC Workshop, GSI, Darmstadt, Germany (2015)
Tracking Studies for the LHeC Lattice, E. Cruz-Alaniz, CAoPAC Workshop, GSI, Darmstadt, Germany (2015)
Filling Pattern Measurements at Alba using Time Correlated Single Photon Countin, L. Torino, IPAC14, Dresden, Germany (2014)
Observation of coherent instability in the CERN PS Booster, M. McAteer, et al., IPAC14, Dresden, Germany (2014)
Simulation and observation of driven beam oscillations with space charge in the CERN PSB, M. McAteer, et al., IPAC14, Dresden, Germany (2014)
CERN PS Booster space charge simulations with a realistic model for alignment and field errors, V. Forte, E. Benedetto, M. McAteer, IPAC14, Dresden, Germany (2014)
Towards a Low Alpha Lattice for the ALBA Storage Ring, Michele Carlá, et al., IPAC 14, Dresden, Germany (2014)
Multi-objective optimization of the non-linear beam dynamics of Synchrotron Soleil, X. N. Gavaldà, L. S. Nadolski, A. Díaz Ortiz, IPAC 14, Dresden, Germany (2014)
LHeC IR Optics Design integrated into the HL-LHC Lattice, E. Cruz-Alaniz, et al., IPAC 14, Dresden, Germany (2014)
Studies into beam loss patterns at european spallation source, Michal Jarosz, IPAC 14, Dresden, Germany (2014)
Considerations for a Cavity-Based Position-Sensitive Heavy Ion Detector for the CR at FAIR, X. Cheng, Proc. IPAC 14, Dresden, Germany (2014)
Optimization of Accelerators and Light Sources within oPAC, C. P. Welsch, IPAC14, Dresden, Germany (2014)
Characterisation of silicon and diamond for use at 1.9 Kelvin as direct current , M. Bartosik, et al., 17th International conference on solid state dosimetry, Recife, Brazil (2013)
Design of a detection system to obt 2D dose maps for radio complex verf treat, M. C. Battaglia, et al., X Latin American Symposium on Nuclear Physics and Applications, Montevideo, Uruguay (2013)
Studies for nonlinear optics measurements from turn-by-turn trajectories in the CERN PSB, M. McAteer, et al., CERN Accelerator School, Trondheim, Norway (2013)
Particle-in-Cell solver on Multi-GPU platform, M. Sofranac, et al., PUMPS 2013, Supercomputing Centre Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain (2013)
Strawman optics design for the LHeC ERL Test Facility, A. Valloni, et al., IPAC13, Shanghai, China (2013)
Preliminary results of linear optics from orbit response in the CERN PSB, M. McAteer, et al., IPAC13, Shanghai, China (2013)
Determination of Octupole and Sextupole Polarities in the LHC, M. McAteer, et al., IPAC13, Shanghai, China (2013)
SOLEIL performance improvement using optimization based on Genetic Algorithms, Xavier Nuel Gavaldà, et al., IPAC13, Shanghai, China (2013)
Characterisation of SI Detectors for the use at 2 K, M. Bartosik, et al., IPAC13, Shanghai, China (2013)
Studies into beam loss patterns at European Spallation Source, M. Jarosz, 1st oPAC Topical Workshop, Cern, Geneva, Switzerland (2013)
Longitudinal to transverse landau damping for HL-LHC, D. Astapovych, 1st oPAC Topical Workshop, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland (2013)
Optimisation of Beryllium‐10 Detection using a 1MV AMS System, S. Almecci, 1st oPAC Topical Workshop, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland (2013)
Beam Loss Monitors for use in cryogenic environments, M. Bartosik, et al., 1st oPAC Topical Workshop, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland (2013)
A detection system to obtain 2D dose maps for Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) verification, M. C. Battaglia, 1st oPAC Topical Workshop, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland (2013)
Design and development of common applications for different particle accelerators, M. Cargnelutti, et al., 1st oPAC Topical Workshop, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland (2013)
Development of a Transversely Sensitive Resonator as a Schottky Noise Detector for CR at FAIR, X. Chen, et al., 1st oPAC Topical Workshop, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland (2013)
Current measurement of low‐intensity beams, M. Fernandes, 1st oPAC Topical Workshop, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland (2013)
Characterization of Linear and Nonlinear Optics in the CERN PSB, M. McAteer, 1st oPAC Topical Workshop, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland (2013)
Implementation of Advanced Numerical Techniques for the Optimization of Particle Accelerators, S. Naveed, 1st oPAC Topical Workshop, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland (2013)
Longitudinal and Transverse Beam Measurements at ALBA, L. Torino, et al., 1st oPAC Topical Workshop, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland (2013)
Particle in Cell solver on Multi-GPU platform, M. Sofranac, 1st oPAC Topical Workshop, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland (2013)
SOLEIL performance improvement using optimization based on Genetic Algorithms, X. Gavaldà, Journées des Doctorants – University of Paris‐Sud, Orsay, France (2013)