Name of the institution: Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt

Address (location): Bundesallee 100, 38116 Braunschweig Germany

Contact person (e-mail address): neutrons beams: Ralf Nolte (ralf.nolte@ptb.de), ion beams: Ulrich Giesen (ulrich.giesen@ptb.de)


Name of facility: PIAF - PTB Ion Beam Facility 

Type of facility (e.g. accelerator, laser): 2 MV tandem accelerator, CV28 cyclotron

Main use of the facility (e.g. patient treatment, research): neutron metrology, radiobiology

Access restrictions: no


Main parameters:

Particle type: protons, deuterons, alpha particles, neutrons

Energy range: tandem accelerator: 200 keV – 4 MeV p and d, 400 keV - 6 MeV alpha, cyclotron: 3.5 MeV – 19 MeV p, 4 MeV – 13.5 MeV d, 8 MeV – 26 MeV alpha, neutron beams: 10 keV – 20 MeV

Momentum range:

Operation mode (continuous or bunched): DC and bunched

Beam intensity: single ions to 50 pµA

Number of particles per bunch (if bunched): micro ions beam: single ions, focused ion beams: < 5´106

Number of bunches per pulse (if bunched): tandetron: 2.5 MHz / 2n, cyclotron: 1 MHz / 2n

Transverse beam sizes: 2 – 10 µm (micro ion beam), 2 - 5 mm (focused ion beams)

Bunch length (if bunched): 2-3 ns

Transverse emittances (geometric or normalised):

Any other important information: