Name of the institution: PTB - Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt
Address (location): Braunschweig, Germany
Contact person (e-mail address):
Name of facility: MELAF - Metrological Electron Accelerator Facility
Type of facility (e.g. accelerator, laser): electron accelerators (LINACs)
Main use of the facility (e.g. patient treatment, research): research, calibration service, material testing
Access restrictions: radiation protection regulations
Main parameters:
Particle type: electrons, photons
Energy range: 0.5 MeV – 50 MeV
Momentum range:
Operation mode (continuous or bunched): bunched (3 GHz), pulsed (< 100 Hz)
Beam intensity: 50 mA pulse current, 10 uA mean current, 100 Gy/min
Number of particles per bunch (if bunched): 10^12 per pulse
Number of bunches per pulse (if bunched):
Transverse beam sizes: 4 mm FWHM, 0.5x0.5 cm – 40x40 cm homogenous irradiation field size
Bunch length (if bunched): 2 us macro-pulse length
Transverse emittances (geometric or normalised):
Any other important information: