University of Liverpool

Contact: Carsten P. Welsch

A member of the Russell Group of major research-intensive universities in the UK, the University of Liverpool has an enviable international reputation for innovative research. Currently around 20,000 students are enrolled into more than 400 programs spanning 54 subject areas at its 3 faculties, including Health and Life Sciences; Humanities and Social Sciences; and Science and Engineering.

A rich variety of research is performed at Liverpool, including Particle Physics, Nuclear Physics, Condensed Matter Physics, Surface Science and Astrophysics. Moreover, the University has the lead role in the Cockcroft Institute, an international centre of excellence for accelerator science and technology. Embracing academia, government and industry, it is unique in providing the intellectual focus, educational infrastructure and the essential facilities in innovating tools for scientific discoveries and wealth generation.

The Liverpool Accelerator Physics Group develops, optimizes and exploits national and international scientific accelerator facilities and generates ideas towards future accelerators and beam diagnostic techniques that allow novel experimental studies and applications. Our research strategy is developed in conjunction with the Cockcroft Institute and STFC in alignment with national priorities. It is focused on three thematic areas: frontier accelerators, novel accelerators, and accelerator applications. We have been the driving force behind large scale European networks in accelerator science and technology for many years. Through the DITANET (beam diagnostics), oPAC (Optimization of Particle Accelerators) and LA3NET (Laser Applications at Accelerators) we have successfully trained more than 60 Fellows across Europe and will use the experienced gained for the implementation of OMA.

We have pioneered jet‐based beam profile monitors, advanced optical diagnostics for accelerators to measure the beam profile, intensity, halo, position and emittance in least-destructive ways, as well as high resolution beam loss monitors for energy frontier accelerators and light sources using optical fibres. Moreover, we have closely collaborated with the Clatterbridge Cancer Centre for many years with the aim of developing novel online beam monitors.


Cockcroft Institute


Image courtesy of University of Liverpool