Andrea De Franco - I am and I will
I’m Andrea De Franco, born in Genova Italy. After graduating in Physics at the University of Genova, I’ve pursued a career in Nuclear and Particle Physics. My interests and experiences are very broad and span from nuclear power plants to astrophysics. I performed research abroad in Japan, UK and recently Austria as part of a training to understand different working and scientific cultures.
I am a researcher and I will accelerate ion beam therapy
Now I am a researcher at MedAustron, one of the few facilities in the World to adopt ion beam therapy to fight cancer. The technique revolves around a particle accelerator and involves extremely complex machinery and physics. My role is to study the beam dynamics and develop relevant technologies to increase the number of patients that can be treated in a year. The final goal is to make ion beam therapy available and accessible to a larger population over the World.
I choose this career because I enjoy solving complex problems and take great proud and satisfaction in contributing to the fight to cancer.