ODEMM Work Package 2 - Review of the law, policy and institutional frameworks governing the application of the ecosystem approach to marine resource management

Led by Jesper Raakjær

The aim of WP2 was to review the law, policy and institutional structures governing the application of the ecosystem approach to marine resource management.  This included an analysis from European, regional and international perspectives.

The objectives of Work Package 2 were as follows:

  • Review of the law, policy a and institutional frameworks in the major European regional seas dealt with by ODEMM.
  • Describe the different overall perspectives and understandings of the application of the ecosystem approach to marine management both across sectors, as well as across regions and member states of the EU.
  • Understand how different perspectives and understandings of the ecosystem approach, manifest themselves in the policy processes related to marine management in the EU.
  • Demonstrate how these perspectives and understandings affect the uniform implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive, the Habitats Directive and Natura 2000 network in the European marine environment.

The following tasks were associated with Work Package 2:

  • Task 2.1: Review current law, policy and institutional frameworks in the major European regional seas dealt with by ODEMM.
  • Task 2.2: An overview of key sectors for each regional sea area.
  • Task 2.3: Interviews of key stakeholders on perspectives on implementing and ecosystem approach.
  • Task 2.4: Complete major outputs for WP2.


  1. Legal Aspects of Ecosystem-Based Marine Management in Europe.
  2. The Marine Strategy Framework Directive: A New European Approach to the Regulation of the Marine Environment, Marine Natural Resources and Marine Ecological Services.
  3. On unequal footing: Stakeholder perspectives on the marine strategy framework directive as a mechanism of the ecosystem based approach to marine management.
  4. Institutional ambiguity in implementing the European Union Marine Strategy Framework Directive.