"theresa may" blog posts

Am I Not A Citizen? Theresa May

Am I Not A Citizen?

The following talks to and mirrors Theresa May's infamous ´Citizens of Nowhere´ speech delivered on 5 October 2016. I wrote it a few days before Article 50 was triggered.

Posted on: 28 March 2017

‘In that the world’s contracted thus’In that the world’s contracted thus

‘In that the world’s contracted thus’

All is in each of us, and we all deserve this acknowledgement, but as the sun shines across the planet it takes us collectively as well as individually. And human-induced climate changes alter the conditions under which the earth receives the sun’s bounty, shifting the range of sustainability through which life was nurtured.

Posted on: 21 February 2017

Britain does not break Treaties dixit Maggie ThatcherUnion flag

Britain does not break Treaties dixit Maggie Thatcher

If you, like me, are feeling bereft by the potentially imminent loss of your European Citizenship, then you might agree in finding the jokey vocabulary, which creates portmanteaus of ‘British’ and ‘exit’ and ‘British’ and ‘remain’ and ‘British’ and ‘moan’, simply irritating.

Posted on: 10 February 2017

What's in a postcode?What's in a postcode?

What's in a postcode?

As I step off my local bus and walk down the street on my way home I see two things: a boarded up Victorian shop-front, the second floor and attic level newly collapsed onto the street, exposing the remaining interior structure to the elements; and a ‘Leave’(EU) sticker placed in the window of a house several doors down. The dilapidated scene of this street is harrowingly neglected, but not uncommon among the working class postcodes of North Liverpool. Since my adolescence, Anfield has always been classified as a financially poor, socially deprived, ward – today, these symptoms have manifested into toxic ideas concerning culture.

Posted on: 8 February 2017