"citizenship" blog posts

Ambivalent citizenship

Ambivalent citizenship

The meaning of citizenship is a matter of an ongoing academic discussion. However, for politicians, it is such a clear notion. Its meaning changes depending on political agenda or ideology.

Posted on: 9 October 2018

Writing citizenship

Writing citizenship

In April 2018, with a very heavy heart, I worked my final day at the homelessness organisation I’d been with for six years. Along with the proliferation of tedious admin tasks that come with the end of employment, I’d purposefully saved one very special job until last, and, being the sentimentalist that I am, was determined to relish it.

Posted on: 9 October 2018

Living citizenship

Living citizenship

We, as individuals, intersect many roles in our lives. For example, I am a mother, a wife, a daughter, an academic, an employee, a student, a friend, a colleague, a citizen.

Posted on: 9 October 2018