"borders" blog posts

Animal Jaguar


Ever since pre-Hispanic times the jaguar has moved freely between worlds, roaming between night and day, between earth and spirit realm.

Posted on: 26 July 2017

Unfenced Borders To Die For gawain

Unfenced Borders To Die For

Whether it’s George Osborne in hi-viz or Theresa May in Barbour, power-hungry Conservatives wanting to influence voting patterns in new battlegrounds of post-industrial England have been keen to badge themselves Northern.

Posted on: 28 March 2017

We are all citizens of the world Solvay conference

We are all citizens of the world

Scientists seek to discover and describe knowledge, while engineers seek to apply and deploy the same knowledge by creating technology that supports our global society. In their quests, both scientists and engineers are dependent on each other and on those that have gone before them.

Posted on: 28 March 2017

My passport is maroon

My passport is maroon

Speaking to me recently about Brexit, a German living in Luxembourg mentioned that the scariest border experience he had ever had in his life was crossing between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland in the 1970s.

Posted on: 28 March 2017