Annual show
Ness is hosting its annual show on Sunday 17 August 2025, so be sure to mark this date in your diary!
It’s set to be a day filled with a variety of displays and friendly competition. Below, you’ll find the schedule for the day and the categories and classes for this year’s show.
Get ready to be inspired or maybe even enter your own masterpiece. There are some brilliant prizes so don’t miss your chance to compete.
- 8.30am-10am - Arrival, registration and displaying of item(s)
- 10am-11am - Judging
- 11am-3.30pm - Show open to the public
- 3.30pm-4pm - Presentations
- 4pm-4.30pm - Collection of exhibits.
Categories and classes
Category A: Fruit and vegetables
Classes 1-8
- Tomatoes
- Chillies
- Runner beans
- Lettuce
- Onions
- Beetroot
- Carrots
- Raspberries
Category B: Flowers
Classes 9-16
- Dahlia
- Sunflower
- Cosmos
- Lavender
- Sweet peas
- Alpines
- Flowering shrub
- Cactus or succulent
Category C: Children’s entries
Classes 17-21
- Nature picture frame with painting of drawing of a plant or flower
- Hand-made paper flower
- A piece of art inspired by Ness Botanic Gardens
- Best home-grown vegetable
- Home-grown flowers arranged in a vase.
Open to children up to 16 years of age.
The items should be made solely by the child. Please write the child's age on the back of the piece.
You can enter as many classes as you like, only one entry per class.
Category D: Photography
Classes 22-24
- Wildlife
- Flowers, plants and trees
- Favourite part of your garden.
Items should be no larger than A4 in size and should be unframed.
Category E: Crafts
Classes 25-26
- Textiles
- Pottery or ceramic.
Items should be no larger than A3 in size, or 30cm x 30cm.
Category F: Baking and preserves
Classes 27-32
- Lemon drizzle cake - 2lb loaf tin, single tier, no icing or decoration
- Victoria sandwich cake - 30cm round, two tiers, no icing or decoration
- Carrot cake - 2lb loaf tin, traditionally iced
- Homemade jam - 50-250g
- Homemade chutney - 50-250g
- Homemade honey - 50-250g.
Register your entry
To register your entry please email Please provide your name and let us know the item(s) you're bringing.