Photo of Dr Mathew Flynn

Dr Mathew Flynn PhD, MA, PGcert in HE, FHEA

Senior Lecturer in Music Industries, Director of Music Taught Provision & Deputy Director of the Institute of Popular Music Music


Music Industry

My main research interests include musicians’ decision making processes, industry management practices and the digitisation of the music industries with a focus on music streaming.

Musicians' decision-making

I am particularly interested in understanding the decision-making models and processes used by musicians and music industry practitioners to develop their projects and careers.

Sector mapping and music policy making around live music, funding and the impact of the pandemic.

I have been involved in research leading toward the establishment of a Liverpool Music Board and office, and research that informs the board's policy and strategy.

Research Grants

AHRC IAA 22-25


April 2022 - December 2025

Research Collaborations

Craig Pennington and Elliot Ryder

Project: Playing In: Exploring the impact of the pandemic on Liverpool's music makers
External: Bido Lito