WP10 Overview
MEFEPO Advisory Committee
WP10 Objectives
To provide guidance and advice to the MEFEPO project to ensure its research is directly relevant to various industry groups, citizen groups, managers and other stakeholders, including the RACs.
Description of work
MEFEPO will be guided by an Advisory Committee to ensure that its work is of direct relevance to the end
user and to improve the quality of its products through a peer review process. It will also assist the project’s
dissemination through the institutional framework used to manage the fisheries.
The Advisory Committee members will be comprised of fishing industry representatives, NGOs,
government advisors (fisheries and/or conservation) and members of regional organisations and initiatives
such as OSPAR, HELCOM and the RACs. It will be chaired by a scientist with a high-profile international
reputation but based outside of Europe to ensure impartiality.
Advisory Committee meetings will be attended by the coordinator and four principle scientists from the
MEFEPO project whose attendance is determined by the project’s stage of development.
Outside the meetings, Advisory Committee members will receive all MEFEPO products and WP leaders will
seek advice from Advisory Committee members where necessary during the project’s development. This will
be especially important during the development of the FEPs.
The minutes of the meetings will be incorporated into the activity reports.
The Advisory Committee will meet in years 1, 2 and 3.
WP10 Lead Institute: UoL
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