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WP1 Overview

Characterisation of the ecological, social and economic features of the three RAC regions

WP1    Objectives

  •  Review the ecological, social and economic characteristics and issues in the North Sea region.
  • Review the ecological, social and economic characteristics and issues in the North Western Waters
  • Review the ecological, social and economic characteristics and issues South Western Waters region.


Description of work

It is recognised that much of the information and knowledge currently available to develop an ecosystem
approach to fisheries management in Europe is not being used effectively as it is so widely dispersed
(Connolly and Rice, 2005). The aim of this WP is to integrate and review the existing available information on
the ecological, social and economic issues which affect the fisheries and the communities they support in the three regions. This will create a product which has a broader application beyond MEFEPO; the information can be used to inform initiatives such as the Quality Status Reports. Two products will be produced for each of the three regions; a technical report and a document aimed at a nonscientific audience which will enhance the profile of the MEFEPO project amongst industry groups, citizen groups, managers and other stakeholders.


Two documents on the ecological, social and economic characteristics and issues in the regions will be
produced for each region. The first document will be a technical report which will be used to support the scientific aspects of the project and which will have wider scientific applications (e.g. Quality Status Reports).

The second document will be a summary document suitable for a non-scientist and aimed at being of use to
the RACs, industry groups, citizen groups, managers and other stakeholders. It will be in a similar format to
the document ICES produced for the German government (Frid et al 2003). This second document will
contain an up to date description of the marine environment of the North Sea and a description of the current
and predicted human activities in the region and be disseminated as part of WP9.

WP Lead Insitute: UoL

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