Members of our team have written about clinical communication in several peer reviewed papers. Our research feeds directly into our teaching.
Relevant Publications
Huntley, C. D., Salmon, P., Fisher, P. L., Fletcher, I., & Young, B. (2012). LUCAS: a theoretically informed instrument to assess clinical communication in objective structured clinical examinations. MEDICAL EDUCATION, 46(3), 267-276. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2923.2011.04162.x. Read online.
Mendick N, Young B, Holcombe C, Salmon P. How do surgeons think they learn about communication? A qualitative study. Medical Education. 2015 Apr;49(4):408-16. Read online.
Salmon P, Young B. Creativity in clinical communication: from communication skills to skilled communication. Medical Education. 2011;45(3):217-26. Read online.
Salmon P, Young B. The validity of education and guidance for clinical communication in cancer care: evidence-based practice will depend on practice-based evidence. Patient Education and Counseling. 2013 1;90(2):193-9. Read online.
Salmon P, Young B. A new paradigm for clinical communication: critical review of literature in cancer care. Medical Education. 2017;51(3):258-68. Read online.