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I work as a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon at Royal Liverpool University Hospitals and also consult privately at Southport, Liverpool, Manchester, and London. I also teach at the School of Medicine, University of Liverpool. My mission is to provide quality orthopaedic and spinal opinion with minimal surgical intervention to promote wellness, to relieve suffering and to restore health as humanely as it can be done at the highest value for all concerned.

After years of surgical practice I now specialise in treating people with spine, feet and other musculoskeletal problems without surgical intervention if possible. Majority of disc prolapses resolve without surgical intervention. To view an example of a disc prolapse that has resolved without surgery please follow the following link. Resolved disc prolapse.

Though more than 95% of neck and back pain is not serious, the symptoms can be worrying for the patient. I handle every case of back and neck pain with a detailed consultation and a thorough examination. Following that and if needed, I will request investigations like MRI scans.