Sharing concerns and wellbeing support
We offer a variety of support options for students, and we ask that you please report all concerns about a student, however small, using our Sharing Concerns Form.
Sharing concerns
Changes have been made to the way University Staff, Clinicians and Students can raise concerns with the School of Medicine. The aim is to provide a clear process with a one-stop point for a wide range of potential concerns.
The new system will enable Staff, Clinicians and Students to raise concerns regarding:
- Patient safety and Student safety
- Discrimination, harassment, undermining and bullying
- Urgent placement concerns (with guidance)
- Wellbeing, progress and professionalism (with links to an updated Measuring Professionalism Form).
If you have a concern to share, download the and complete the following form:
The Sharing Concerns Form can also be accessed in every students Clinical Activity Workbook in their E-Portfolio. It can be found the bottom of every placement page. We would be grateful if you could mention this link to students during their placement induction.
Professionalism concerns
The School also has procedures in place in order to deal with concerns about student doctor professionalism.
- View the MBChB Measuring Professionalism Policy 2024-25 (PDF).
- Access the MBChB Measuring Professionalism Concern Form 2024-25 (Microsoft Forms).
Wellbeing support for placement transfer of information
The School of Medicine Student Welfare and Support for Studies Team wants all students to feel they are Welcomed and Valued (GMC 2019), we aim to do this by providing support in various ways while they are studying with us.
We recognise that a large proportion of student time is spent on clinical placement and we want to make sure that, where possible, the same level of support is available while they are there. Support is maintained by giving students access to the Welfare and Support for Studies Team resources online, by email, phone and Zoom. As we know placement usually involves long hours, and therefore offer early morning appointments, evening appointments and drop ins to ensure that students always have access to the services that you need.
In some circumstances, providing support in placement is enhanced by the School transferring some information about students to key staff in each placement site. This enables staff in placement to be better prepared and ready to offer individualised help and adjustments where necessary.
The aim of the short document, Wellbeing support on placement (PDF), is to explain which students will be offered an information transfer, what information will be shared and how students can be involved in the process. It also addresses who will be able to view the data and what kind of adjustments placements may be able to make.
Useful contacts
- Student Welfare and Support for Studies Team: 0151 794 8756
- MBChB Risk Team: 0151 794 9414
- MBChB Health and Safety Team: 0151 795 4358.