EDI Toolkit for Curriculum Development

This toolkit is intended to support all who design and deliver teaching in the School of Medicine in considering how equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) can be increasingly embedded throughout the course.

Towards diverse and inclusive content delivery

Alongside EDI-specific teaching sessions, we would like to ensure EDI-related topics are threaded through all areas of the curriculum. Many of us find it difficult to know where to start, which is why this toolkit was created.

By inviting educators to explore this toolkit, we aim to support the inclusion of EDI-related content and values across all our learning environments, equipping our student doctors with the knowledge and skills they need in order to provide safe healthcare to a diverse population and work effectively in diverse teams. By increasing representation of diversity in our teaching, we also aim to foster an ever more inclusive environment within the School of Medicine.

How it works

The toolkit covers four themes with a set of questions and suggested actions for each area, designed to support reflection and development of what we teach and how we teach it.

EDI is a complex and constantly evolving area. Language use and social circumstances change and we hope this Toolkit will grow and develop to reflect this. Please get in touch if you have any feedback, any suggestions for additional reflective questions and actions or any good EDI examples from your own practice which we can include by contacting the team at Isobel.Jenkins@liverpool.ac.uk

More information

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    How the Toolkit was developed

    This toolkit was developed by Dr Isobel Jenkins, Prof Viktoria Goddard and Dr Victoria Simpson.

    Our toolkit is modelled on pre-existing resources, with significant inspiration coming from the University of Liverpool’s Decolonising the Curriculum Tool (link) (Centre for Innovation in Education; Guides and Resources; Joanna Cheetham, Rob Lindsay, Dr Sam Saunders et al) and SOAS University of London’s Decolonising Toolkit (link) (Decolonising SOAS Working Group, May 2018).

    Many of the questions and suggestions below come from these sources. The reason we have not simply chosen to adopt another toolkit is because we felt that the medical education context was important. We wanted to develop a toolkit with examples that colleagues and students would be able to identify and feel comfortable with, and have therefore endeavoured to identify existing content and examples most relevant to our curriculum development and teaching within the School.

    The four areas we have focused on for this toolkit are the result of discussions we had during a series of EDI lunchtime conversations attended by School of Medicine staff. The toolkit has been edited following review by a number of colleagues within the School. A very big thank you to all colleagues who participated in this process.

    Practice Examples

    Examples from Practice

    Considering Inclusivity in a lecture on catheterization – Victoria Simpson, Academic Foundation Doctor

    Attempting to develop a lecture on practical catheterisation tips, the EDI toolkit prompted me to consider gender bias within my teaching and whether I was making use of inclusive case examples. For instance, urology as a speciality can be male-oriented but this does not mean that "he/him" pronouns need to be assumed for all case examples, so I steered away from this and opted for "they/them". Perusal of the toolkit reminded that it was important to ensure that I had considered a wider range of voices - not only those of female patients but also transgender patients and FGM victims were important to acknowledge. When considering how to advise foundation doctors on how to approach catheterisation conversations in these cases, it was important to check for sources authored by patients who themselves had these lived experiences.

    Including diverse cultural backgrounds in Communication for Clinical Practice discussions – Anthony Baynham, MBChB Clinical Teacher and Liaison Psychiatrist

    When talking to students about information sharing, I like to include the example of the film The Farewell which is set in China. In the film the Chinese American Billi finds out her grandma has been diagnosed with cancer. Against her parents’ wishes, she goes to visit her in China. She is appalled to learn that grandma does not know her diagnosis, but throughout the film she comes to understand why she has not been told and she agrees not to tell her. The film highlights the cultural differences around disclosure of diagnosis, if in the UK a doctor collaborated with a family to not tell someone their diagnosis it would be considered unethical unless the patient had specifically asked for this.

    Increasing diversity in role-play scenarios - Isobel Jenkins, Lecturer in Communication for Clinical Practice (CCP)

    A major part of CCP workshop development is developing and writing scenarios for role-play. Over the past couple of years we have had discussions within the CCP team about ways of increasing the diversity and representation within these scenarios in an authentic rather than a contrived and ‘tokenistic’ manner.

    During a memorable workshop for Simulated Patient role-players I was talking about one of our proposed ideas for this, asking the actors – as this was a learning rather than an assessment setting – to bring some diversity to the scenarios by bringing in as much of their own diverse cultural and ethnic background and experience as they were happy to include. The actors however, politely pointed out to me that by giving their characters names such as ‘Gillian Brocklehurst’ and ‘Gordon Tremayne’ I was not making that request very easy for them.

    Since then I have started using only initials for role-play scenario characters and limiting social and cultural detail to a minimum (only when relevant to the clinical presentation or  task), in order to allow for more variety in character from the SPs. One good experience of how this can work was a role-play around exploring lifestyle and cardiovascular risks where a SP included relevant detail around Chinese food traditions in her family.

    The use of non-binary anatomical terminology in HARC – Stephanie Egerton, Anatomy demonstrator

    We were conscious of the need to acknowledge the terminology used for sex, particularly during the urogenital module, where recognising differences between the anatomy of those assigned male at birth and assigned female at birth is required by the learning outcomes. We included a note relating to terminology in the practical booklet attached to the session and included a similar message, an invitation for feedback and signposting to relevant advice in the introductory session slides:

    The terms ‘male’ and female’ are used in this booklet, as shorthand for ‘assigned male at birth (AMAB)’ and ‘assigned female at birth (AFAB)’, respectively. This is for instructional purposes in an introductory level course and to avoid confusion by matching wider literature. Anatomical variation may exist both within and between the Trans and Cis communities. Descriptions based on anatomy, rather than sex are likely to be more accurate and should be used, where possible.”

    We provided blank paper, pens, and a box at each table for students to anonymously provide feedback or give suggestions for how we could make HARC more inclusive. No comments were made directly during the session or left in the boxes. However, in the end-of-system evaluation, one comment was given that suggested our approach was not enough, highlighting that the language used felt non-inclusive from the respondent’s perspective and that “putting a disclaimer at the start of the practical” did not “excuse continuing to use non inclusive language for the sake of ease”.

    In response, this year we have changed all reference to male or female to AMAB or AFAB, respectively, and plan to again provide opportunity for students to leave anonymous feedback. We are aware this approach is far from perfect and are expecting a mixed response. Whilst we appreciate that students may not adopt this terminology in practice, we hope to stimulate discussion and highlight the need to be more aware of the terminology we use.

    Brighton and Sussex NHS Trust have created a useful resource on ‘Gender Inclusive Language in Perinatal Services’ and particularly relevant to teaching anatomy is ‘speaking about “women” and “people” side by side (P13). As a next step, we might look into taking a gender-additive language approach to enhance the inclusivity of our practice, for example using ‘women and AFAB’.

    Widening the circle of experience: Deaf Awareness – Isobel Jenkins, Lecturer in Communication for Clinical Practice

    Our School of Medicine Deaf Awareness workshop which forms part of the ‘Adult Head and Neck’ placement in the Year 4 surgery block is delivered fully in British Sign Language (BSL) by Deaf educators from Merseyside Society for Deaf People, with the support of interpreters. Alongside a wealth of insight around how healthcare is experienced by D/deaf and hard of hearing people and communication strategies for their future practice, this session also offers many opportunities for reflection, such as a discussion about our use of terminology and how it can be experienced by members of the Deaf community and some insight into cultural differences, for example the fact that BSL users may not always feel confident in their understanding of written English. 

    Further Resources & Guidance


    Resources for use in teaching:

    Mind the Gap — Black & brown skin : A handbook of clinical signs in black and brown skin. Mukwende M, Tamony P, Turner M. [www.blackandbrownskin.co.uk]

    Language use and Terminology:

    Glossary of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Terminology – March 2022 : University of York, Equality and Diversity Office

    Inclusive content – skin symptoms : Making written content and imagery of skin symptoms inclusive for people with various skin tones and people with sight loss. NHS Digital

    Inclusive language: Words to use and avoid when writing about disability : Gov.uk, updated March 2021

    Gender Inclusive Language in Perinatal Services:Mission Statement and Rationale – Helen Green and Ash Riddington, Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust

    General guides and other Toolkits:

    AMEE GUIDE No. 103: Teaching diversity to medical undergraduates: Curriculum development, delivery and assessment. Nisha Dogra, Farah Bhatti, Candan Ertubey, Moira Kelly, Angela Rowlands, Davinder Singh & Margot Turner (2016). Medical Teacher, 38:4, 323-337, DOI

    Inclusive Curriculum - University of Liverpool, Centre for Innovation in Education, Guides and Resources, Dr Kate Evans

    Decolonising the Curriculum Toolkit - University of Liverpool, Centre for Innovation in Education, Guides and Resources, Joanna Cheetham, Rob Lindsay & Dr Sam Saunders

    SOAS University of London’s Decolonising Toolkit - Decolonising SOAS Working Group, May 2018

    Books and further resources accessible via the UoL library:

    Reading Lists @ Liverpool: EDI Toolbox