Online GP Tutor Conference 2021

This free conference aims to develop your teaching skills, share good practice between Tutors, and provide insight into the undergraduate course at the University of Liverpool.

From September 2021 GPORT will no longer be updated by the School of Medicine.

For up-to-date event information, please visit the Events (link) area of Liverpool Educators Online.

Online GP Tutor Conference - 21st October 2021

We would be delighted if you could join us online for this year's GP Tutor Conference this Autumn.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic we have taken the decision to hold this year's conference in an online format.

GPTC Online

The live portion of the event will be held remotely on Thursday 21st October, 13.30 - 17.15 and will include:

  • A presentation by Guest Speaker Dr Russell Peek on 'Managing Medical Uncertainty'.
  • Three 45-minute live and interactive workshops over Zoom. There will be multiple workshop options on offer, giving Tutors the opportunity to personalise the GPTC to their own needs and interest.
  • GP Society Tutor awards to close the conference.

What's in it for me?

Attendance and completion of both elements will provide you with all the necessary annual CPD requirements for GP Tutors, and five hours towards your appraisal CPD.

If you should have any queries about the event in advance of further communications, please contact

Past Events

Online GP Tutor Conference - 22nd October 2020

The conference consisted of two elements, Pre-recorded Plenaries and GPTC Online.

Pre-Recorded Plenaries

Accessible here and available for Tutors to access at their convenience.

Providing updates on the Schools response to Covid-19 and explaining changes to Placement Requirements and Assessment.

GPTC Online

Tutors were able to attend a variety of workshops through the afternoon.

The presentation slides for the workshops are below. You will need to use the GPORT password to access these presentations.  

If you have any questions, please contact:

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