The group members are Professors Gracey, Hands, Jack, Jones, Teubner and Vogt, Drs Buividovich, Fischer, Gorbahn, Rakow and Schaich.
The central tool for these theoretical investigations is quantum field theory and the group has world leading experts in perturbation theory and lattice gauge theory. In perturbative computations analytical and numerical methods are used to evaluate the higher order Feynman diagrams underpinning the different physical processes which take place in high energy particle colliders such as the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN in Geneva, at storage rings such as the (g-2) experiment at FNAL near Chicago or at so-called meson factories. By contrast lattice gauge theory uses supercomputers to study the physics of the quarks and gluons which compose hadrons such as protons and neutrons. The actual mechanism which achieves this is the strong force which is described by the quantum field theory called Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD).
Location on the campus
Theoretical Physics Wing of the Mathematical Sciences Building
(located opposite to the Guild of Students Building, number 501)
Number 206 on the campus map entrance via the Peach-Street tower.
Postal address and Fax
Fundamental Particle Physics
Department of Mathematical Sciences
The University of Liverpool
Liverpool L69 7ZL, UK
People to contact
Head of research cluster: Professor John Gracey
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