Research sections and groups

Our research activity spans across five research sections and groups. Find out more detail about each group below.

Applied Mathematics

Applied mathematics

The Applied Mathematics section consists of three research groups in Mathematical Biology, Mathematical Imaging and Waves and Continuum Mechanics, covering a diverse range of application areas.

Fundamental Particle Physics

Fundamental Particle Physics

The research of this group centres on theoretical studies of the elementary particles of nature such as the structure of protons and neutrons as well as developing testable theories for the physics.

Pure Mathematics

Pure Mathematics

The Pure Mathematics section consists of three research groups in Algebraic Geometry, Dynamical Systems and Geometry and Topology.



This group is engaged in research and education in probability theory, stochastic processes and statistics.

String and Beyond the Standard Model Phenomenology

String and beyond the standard model phenomenology

Research in this group covers topics such as string theory compactifications, supersymmetric field theories and black hole physics.