Liverpool Centre for Mathematics in Healthcare

LCMH hosted the 23rd Conference on Medical Image Understanding and Analysis (MIUA 2019) at the University of Liverpool on the 22nd and 23rd July 2019

On 10th-11th April 2019, LCMH co-organised a conference along with the 4 other EPSRC Mathematics-Healthcare Centres which was held at the University of Cambridge. See here for more information regarding the event and below for a photograph of the delegates from LCMH. 

Photo of delegates from Liverpool who attended workshop in Cambridge on 10th 11th April 2019

Dr Joseph Leedale a researcher from the Liverpool Centre for Mathematics in Healthcare won first prize for his poster 'Multiscale Modelling of Drug Transport' at the Income 2018 Conference: Intergrative Pathway Modeling in Systems Biology and Systems Medicine. The event was held in Bernried, Germany from 15th-19th October 2018. 

 Dr Joseph Leedale from LCMH Poster Prize - Germany - October 2018

LCMH co-hosted a one day conference with the University of Cambridge Centre for Mathematical Imaging in Healthcare (CMIH) on Wednesday 2nd May 2018 at the Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge entitled "Developments in Healthcare Imaging - Connecting with Academia" for further details see the conference website.

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