Liverpool Centre for Mathematics in Healthcare

13th February 2020 - Seminars - Deep learning - Applications to MR imaging: Dr Jinming Duan (University of Birmingham)


Time: Thursday February 13, 13:00 - 14:00

Title: Deep learning - Applications to MR imaging

Venue: 502 Teaching Hub - Teaching Room 4

502 Teaching Hub is easily located on D6 of the campus map:

behind Mathematical Sciences and next to the Student Guild


Biography: Dr Duan lectures in Computer Science at the University of Birmingham, having previously been a Research Associate at Imperial College London where he worked jointly within the Department of Computing and the Institute of Clinical Sciences to develop cutting-edge machine learning methods for different cardiovascular imaging problems.

His research includes deep neural nets, variational methods, partial/ordinary differential equations, numerical optimisation, and finite difference/element methods, with applications to image processing, computer vision and medical imaging analysis.