
The FunMaths Roadshow is a pupil-centred workshop which was originally created in 1998 by the Liverpool Mathematical Society, who own and license the material.

What is the FunMaths Roadshow? 


  • There have been regular developments since then and there are now suitable resources for all ages and abilities from Year 1 up to Year 13
  • There are 350 activities, arranged into Boxes of 25; 50 activities (two Boxes), suitable for the pupils’ age group, are selected for each session. Each Box covers a huge range of mathematics, with a wide range of difficulty, and so is suitable for all abilities
  • The activities are printed on laminated A3 baseboards and, in most cases, are accompanied by pieces to manipulate.

How does a session work?

  • A FunMaths Roadshow session lasts for up to an hour, and a hall (or similarly large space) is needed. Pupils work in pairs or groups of three, and self-select activities to attempt in any order. A typical Roadshow session would accommodate two classes of pupils at a time. School staff are provided with solutions so that they can check the pupils’ answers
  • The FunMaths Roadshow also affords the opportunity to involve older pupils, parents or even school governors as extra helpers. Older pupils, in particular, get a great sense of achievement from this, and their own maths benefits from having to explain concepts to their younger peers. This close peer support is essential for Key Stage One sessions
  • In addition, some secondary schools have found this model to be an excellent way to strengthen links between themselves and feeder primaries, with secondary pupils acting as mentors to visiting primary pupils.

For more information, please download our FunMaths Roadshow FAQ.

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