GCSE revision

Our GCSE Revision sessions are available for all specifications and exam boards, and we offer them for 4/5 borderline students and 7/8/9 students.

What is GCSE revision?

We are also able to offer the workshop for C/D and A/A* students in Wales. We would normally run two sessions over the course of a school day, and each session contains a mixture of presentations and more interactive tasks. It is possible to have both sessions targeted at the same level or one of each.

How does a GCSE revision session work?

A maximum of 48 pupils can participate in a particular session, with a hall or very large classroom required. A session last for two hours.

The pupils will experience:

  • A revision-oriented version of the Dragon Quiz (please see the relevant section for more details)
  • ‘Banana Skins’, a short presentation on common mistakes (the things that pupils slip up on!) and how to avoid those
  • ‘Maths on the Move’, a number trail around the room that features questions in context
  • And ‘Top Tips’, a short presentation of revision and stress-busting hints.

 For more details, please download our GCSE Revision FAQ

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